[Depicted in Adventures in the Secret Service, the 13th episode from the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, produced by George Lucas - released in 1999 - it’s original edit is from The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles; Episode: Austria, March 1917 - released in 1992]
Back at home base Indiana meets with the French Intelligence to learn of his next assignment. He soon finds out that he’s been ordered to escort the Princes Xavier and Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma to meet their brother-in-law Emperor Karl I in Vienna, who had hoped to negotiate a separate peace with France and Britain, that as a result would drastically weaken Germany as well as bring an end to the war.
At the rail station the men are given forged papers and told to wait for an operative once they arrived in Austria. En route Indiana is annoyed by the Prince’s carefree attitudes, and burns a letter from their sister Empress Zita in consideration of its potential danger if found. At the Austrian border they go through a checkpoint and are soon accompanied by a large woman whose presence ceases any further conversation.

After they disembark they wait for the operative but are unexpectedly approached by the large woman who now identifies herself, and gives the men new identities and a vehicle, of which they are to use to drive to an address in Vienna and introduce themselves as ‘friends of Frederick.’ Once they arrive however they see that the police raided the home which was uncovered as a spy ring, and are soon approached by another mysterious man who connects them to a hunting lodge out in the country.
It’s there where they finally meet Emperor Karl along with Count Czernin, the Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary. Xavier and Sixtus explains that France and Britain wanted peace, and after some reluctance the Emperor (unbeknownst to the Foreign Minister) agrees to the terms.

When Indy and the Princes arrive back in Vienna however, they are ambushed by Prussian men and are forced to escape by way of rooftops, alleyways, and finally the sewer.
They manage to get on the train without identity papers, and after some clever maneuvers aren’t caught until after the checkpoint, whereas Indiana hides on top of the train until they reached a neutral Swiss territory where he could seek asylum as an Austrian deserter.
Meanwhile Sixtus and Xavier were able to return the letter to France, making the mission a success although the peace treaty (later known as the Sixtus Affair) eventually failed and left Austria even more dependent on their German ally than they had been before.
Thus during his third journey through Austria, Indiana has direct (& indirect) encounters with:

Zita of Bourbon-Parma - sister of Prince Xavier & Sixtus as well as the wife of Charles I of Austria-Hungary, who became the common link that would lead to the infamous Sixtus Affair.
Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma - aka Don Javier - a main contributor to the Sixtus Affair, although his role is thought to be secondary in comparison to his brother Sixtus.
Prince Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma - son of Robert I, the last reigning Duke of Parma, he was a Prince of the Parmesan branch of the royal House of Bourbon, as well as a Belgian officer in WWI where he was also the central figure in the Sixtus Affair (of which is named after him) where he served as the intermediary between Austria and France for his brother-in-law Charles I.
Charles I - aka Emperor Karl I of Austria - he became heir to the throne after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, and was ultimately the last Emperor of Austria as well as the last King of Hungary. In 1917 he secretly entered into peace negotiations with France, though after refusing to cede territory to the Italians the agreement inevitably fell through.
Ottokar Czernin - Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary from 1916-18, who resigned after the public fall out of the Sixtus Affair, in which he was undermined by Charles I.
Locations in this adventure are as follows:

Austria-Hungary - a union between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary that existed between 1867 to 1918, that ultimately collapsed after defeat in WWI. During the time period it was the second largest country in Europe and the third most populated, rivaling the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom in industry and manufacturing.
Vienna - capital and largest city of Austria, known as the ‘City of Music’ and ‘City of Dreams,’ due to it’s great history of music and psychoanalysis. Today it is one of the most coveted tourist destinations in the world.
Switzerland - neutral and not invaded during either World Wars.