[Depicted in Young Indiana Jones and the Journey to the Underworld, the twelfth novel in the series published by Random House, the second written by authors Megan Stine & H. William Stine - released in 1994]
After his journey through the United Kingdom, Indiana & Henry took on a new adventure in the ancient city of Athens, Greece, where they work together to foil an infamous museum thief - who just might be a previous teacher and mentor of Henry Jones Sr. from his time at Oxford.
This story revolves around:
Athens - the capital and largest city of Greece, and one of the world’s oldest cities with history spanning over 3,400 years. Amongst other famous monuments it is the home of Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum, and is widely recognized as the “cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy.”
Orpheus - legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most revered for his abilities to charm all living things and even stones with his music.
Pluto - ruler of the underground in classic mythology whose earlier name was Hades (now more often referred to the underworld itself), and is thought to be a more positive representation of the God in comparison.

Myth of Orpheus & Eurydice - Orpheus falls in love with Eurydice and woos her with the power of his song. However directly after their wedding Eurydice is walking through the field and is fatally stung by a viper, leaving Orpheus alone and in despair. Not able to endure life without her, Orpheus undertakes a desperate journey to the underworld and sings to Pluto for her life, which he’s granted under one condition - that on their way back to the upper world “he will not look back” at his lady behind him. Eurydice is tempted but doesn’t look back until he sees daylight, which happens to in fact be too soon, and Eurydice falls back to the darkness to her ultimate demise, her last word being “farewell.”